
The North Augusta Church is a family of faith. We are united through our faith in Jesus.

As those who have received God’s grace and unconditional love, we believe we are called to reflect grace and unconditional love to one another and to the world around us.

It is our sincere hope that whatever else we are known for, we will be most characterized by faith, hope and love.


  • Our Main Worship Gatherings take place on Sundays at 10 a.m.
  •  Mid Week Bible Study via ZOOM— Wednesdays beginning at 7:15 PM. Dick Murphy is leading a study on the book of James. Contact us for login information.


What To Expect

  • Our main gatherings on Sunday always include a time of prayer for specific prayer requests from the people in attendance.
  • Our worship style involves a blend of “a cappella” singing and singing that is accompanied by a praise band.  The song selection often includes hymns, contemporary worship songs, and original songs composed within the context of our faith community.  
  • Preaching/Teaching:  We highly value the Bible and our minister attempts to root all of his teaching in the Biblical text.  Additionally, we feel that the God we seek to worship was most clearly seen in Jesus, therefore sermons tend to be centered around Jesus.